

リノベーション事業を手掛ける株式会社インテリックス(東京都渋谷区 代表取締役社長 俊成誠司)は、株式会社新生銀行(東京都中央区 代表取締役社長 川島克哉)と提携し、インテリックスグループのお客さま向けに「インテリックス提携住宅ローン」を開始しました


「インテリックス提携住宅ローン」の金利は、三つのタイプがあり「変動金利タイプ」「当初固定金利タイプ」と、10年後から5年ごとに段階的に金利が下がる「ステップダウン金利」があります。「ステップダウン金利」 は、現在、通年固定よりも金利が低く、将来的に返済額も減っていくため、家計の見通しが立てやすい金利商品です。


[変動金利(半年型)タイプ<変動フォーカス>] 年0.45%

[変動金利(半年型)タイプ] 年0.65%

[当初固定金利タイプ(10年)] 年1.05%
[当初固定金利タイプ(20年)] 年1.35%





つながる、つなげる住まい探し  売主とやりとりできる国内最大級の売主直販専門サイト



  • 【代 表 者】代表取締役社長 俊成誠司                                        
  • 【本社所在地】東京都渋谷区渋谷2-12-19  
  • 【資 本 金】22億53百万円
  • 【設   立】1995年7月
  • 【上場取引所】東京証券取引所 プライム市場(証券コード8940)
  • 【主な事業内容】 リノベーション事業、ソリューション事業、その他不動産関連事業
  • 【営業拠点】札幌 / 仙台 / さいたま大宮 / 東京日本橋 / 横浜 / 名古屋 / 大阪 / 京都 / 広島 / 福岡


  • 【代 表 者】代表取締役社長 榎本亮太                                        
  • 【本社所在地】東京都渋谷区渋谷2-2-2
  • 【資 本 金】  10百万円
  • 【設   立】  2019年11月
  • 【主な事業内容】不動産直販ポータルサイトの運営、不動産売買のサポートエージェント

Intellex Partners with Shinsei Bank to Launch Intellex Housing Loan
Intellex and its partners are contributing to the co-creation of values.
Intellex Corporation (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Toshinari Seiji), a company renovating condominiums across Japan, announces their partnership with Shinsei Bank, Limited (Chūō-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Kawashima Katsuya), to provide an exclusive housing loan.

The “Intellex Housing Loan” is provided to persons who purchase renovated condominiums sold by Intellex, purchase real estate via the Real Estate Sale/Purchase Platform FLIE, as well as to persons who directly purchase real estate via Intellex Jūtaku-Hanbai, Ltd.

Three Types of Interest Rates according to Life Plans
There are three different types of “Intellex Housing Loan” interest rates: a) floating interest rate, b) initial fixed interest rate c) and the stepdown long-term fixed interest rate, which gradually decreases every 5 to 10 years. The latter type offers a full-year fixed interest rate, and with lower repayments in the future, makes it easier to forecast household finances.

Intellex Housing Loan, Summary
■Interest Rate Types (August 2022)
Floating Interest Rates
・Recommended for clients who want to keep monthly repayments low
Floating rate, reviewed semi-annually (floating focus) 0.45% p.a.

・ Recommended for clients who want to keep front-end payments low
Floating rate, reviewed semi-annually 0.65% p.a.

Initial Fixed Interest Rates
・Recommended for clients who prefer fixed repayments for a certain period of time
[Initial Fixed Interest Rate – 10-year fixed] 1.05% p.a.
[Initial Fixed Interest Rate – 20-year fixed] 1.35% p.a.

Stepdown Long-term Fixed Interest Rate
Initial Interest rate starting at 1.4%
The interest rate will decrease gradually every 5-10 years.

■Fixed Administrative Fees to Reduce Total Cost of Ownership
Administration fees for housing loans are as important as the interest rate. Depending on the product, clients may choose between fixed-rate and declining-rate administration fees.

Intellex Group Vision: Providing a fulfilling life to everybody 
In the past, the Japanese housing market only focused on partial remodeling, but with the arrival of Intellex, a new value was added to the remodeling of condominiums in Japan.
We hope to connect products, services, and technologies in a society that is changing at a dizzying pace, and with it help people to lead a happier life, matching them as an individual.
Renovation is not limited to condominiums, but is true anywhere something new is created something that transcends existing frameworks and concepts.
We at Intellex continue to strive based on the concept of renovation and in turn help people to lead a happier life. Through our partnerships, we continue to actively co-create new values.

The FLIE platform allows buyers and sellers to freely and securely conduct real estate transactions. The platform is operated by FLIE Co. Ltd, an Intellex Group company, with number of listings currently exceeding 1,500 with a focus on renovated properties.
As a third-party operator, FLIE provides information on points to check and precautions to take when purchasing real estate, thus providing clients with peace of mind in real estate transactions regarding both price and information.
FLIE agents provide clients with support in finding the ideal home; this supports includes purchase consultation, housing loans and renovation. In addition, since the seller sells directly, buyers do not have to pay any brokerage fees and can purchase the property at a reduced cost.

Intellex is an industry pioneer in the renovation of condominium and has in 17 consecutive years sold more 1,000 units annually, making for a cumulative total of more than 25,000 units sold. In addition to the Tokyo metropolitan area, Intellex has expanded its business to major cities throughout Japan, offering one-stop services for various needs related to real estate, including not only renovation, but also home purchase (sale) and asset management.

  • Representative: President & CEO, Toshinari Seiji
  • HQ Location: 2-12-19 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to 
  • Capital:  2,253,000,000 JPY
  • Founded: July 1995
  • Listed on TSE Prime Market (Stock Code 8940)
  • Business: Renovation business, solution business, and real estate-related business
  • Locations: Sapporo, Sendai, Saitama-Omiya, Tokyo-Nihonbashi, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto,Hiroshima, Fukuoka

FLIE Co., Ltd

  • https://flie.jp/
  • Representative: President & CEO Ryōta Enomoto 
  • HQ Location:  2-2-2 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
  • Capital: 10,000,000 JPY
  • Founded: November 2019
  • Business: Operation of Real Estate Sales Portal, Real Estate Transaction Support Agent